Focused Strategy Lab

Individual Attorney Business Development Program - Monthly Membership

Take Control of Your Future: Uncover and Build Your Ideal Legal Practice

In a landscape where traditional paths in law are no longer the only routes to success, our Focused Strategy Lab empowers you to chart a novel course to your ideal career. Our program is designed to help you discover what that means for you, and guide you in making it a reality. This program is not just about business development; it's about aligning your career with your passions, values, and strengths.

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What Sets Us Apart


  • Extensive Experience: After decades of working with law firms, we bring a deep understanding of the legal profession’s nuances. Our insights are honed through coaching over a thousand lawyers in all practice areas and stages of career, giving us a unique perspective on what truly works in legal practice growth.

  • Proven Strategies: Our most successful in-house business development program has been adapted for individual lawyers across various firms. Previously exclusive, these real-world tested strategies are now available to attorneys who are looking for resources that can help them get to the next level.

  • Combination of Coaching and Training: The program's strength lies in its combination of regular, personalized coaching and interactive group training. This dual approach ensures that individual needs are met while also fostering a collaborative learning environment.

  • Strategic Alignment: Develop a growth strategy that resonates with your affinities, making business development activities effective AND enjoyable.

  • Actionable Framework: Our unique three-pronged strategy creates a clear marketing focus that involves visibility, credibility, and authentic relationship building, leading to impactful business development.
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What is Our Three-Part Approach to Business Development?

1) Identifying a Marketing Focus: We guide you in identifying a niche area of practice for marketing that aligns with your interests and the demands of the market and your firm. This crucial first step helps differentiate you in a competitive environment, setting the foundation for your unique reputation in the marketplace.

2) Building Credibility and Visibility: Our strategies are tailored to help you quickly become a memorable and impactful presence within your target audience. This involves leveraging both online and traditional platforms to significantly enhance your professional profile and visibility.

3) Developing and Maintaining Strategic Relationships: We focus on aiding you in cultivating meaningful connections, both inside and outside your firm. These relationships are key to generating consistent client work and referrals, integral elements for your sustained success and fulfillment in your legal practice.

Program Highlights

  • Tailored Business Development Plans: Develop a focused, actionable plan that leverages your strengths and aligns with your personal preferences.

  • Strategic Reputation Building: Enhance your visibility among key audiences along with your ability to articulate and communicate your professional value.

  • Skill Enhancement: Acquire new client development skills, overcome common obstacles, and utilize technology effectively.

  • Revenue Growth: Generate new business from various sources, including existing clients and new networks.

  • Comprehensive Support: Monthly one-on-one coaching and group training sessions, office hours, and a suite of resources including workbooks and planners.

For lawyers ready to shape their future, the Focused Strategy Lab offers the guidance and support needed for rapid and sustainable growth.

Our program is customized to fit your unique needs, recognizing that your journey to success is as individual as you are.

Program Structure

Monthly Individual Strategy Sessions: Engage in personalized one on one sessions where we provide a proven framework for success. We'll work closely with you to tailor this framework to your unique practice, aligning your goals with actionable and customized strategies.

Group Training Sessions and Small Group Discussions: Participate in group sessions hosted at least every month, designed to foster collaboration and insight sharing. These sessions serve as a platform for you to connect with peers across various practices and industries, enriching your experience with diverse perspectives.

Resources for Success: Gain access to a comprehensive suite of tools including a business development plan template, marketing budget, and marketing planner, all integral to your strategic growth. We guide you in effectively applying these resources to your practice, helping you connect the dots and create a path that resonates with your professional aspirations.

Meet Our Facilitators

Lana Manganiello Follow me on LinkedIn

Managing Director
Equinox Strategy Partners

Jonathan Fitzgarrald Follow me on LinkedIn

Managing Partner
Equinox Strategy Partners

Investment and Outcomes

Fee: $1,190/participant/month or an annual subscription of $10,900.


Proven Results: Business development program participants report an average increase of 15-20% in practice growth annually.
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Focused Strategy Lab: Attorney BD Program



  • Registration for one person
  • Access to live Workshops
  • Monthly One-on-One Coaching and Strategy Session
  • Access to Facilitated Small Group Discussions
  • Program materials and resources

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Focused Strategy Lab: Attorney BD Program (Annual)

$10,900/annually (savings of $3,380)


  • Registration for one person
  • Access to live Workshops
  • Monthly One-on-One Coaching and Strategy Session
  • Access to Facilitated Small Group Discussions
  • Program materials and resources

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